DOCUMENT:Q158077 14-JAN-2000 [exchange] TITLE :XCLN: Using ShivaRemote w/ Exchange (Windows 3.x/Real-Mode IPX) PRODUCT :Microsoft Exchange PROD/VER:WINDOWS:4.0,5.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbenv kbsetup kbusage ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client, versions 4.0, 5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= A white paper on ShivaRemote is located on Microsoft TechNet and can also be found on the following World Wide Web location: The ShivaRemote 3.59 software (which ships with Microsoft Exchange) can be used with the Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client to allow users to remotely access a computer running Microsoft Exchange Server (via dial-in to a Windows NT RAS server or Shiva LanRover). This article discusses the necessary steps to install and configure the ShivaRemote software that ships with Microsoft Exchange to work under Windows 3.x. (Additional informationn on Shiva can be found in the Reference section below). MORE INFORMATION ================ To install ShivaRemote on Windows 3.x: 1. Select the ShivaRemote component during Microsoft Exchange client Setup; this will install the Shiva Setup program. 2. Run the Shiva Setup program from the icon located in the Microsoft Exchange program group. 3. Install and configure ShivaRemote Dial-In Driver and protocols (Shiva's software configuration notes, CONFIG.HLP, have additional information). Shiva is not installed by default; however, when a typical installation is performed, an icon for setting up ShivaRemote is created in the Exchange program group. This Setup program for the Windows 3.x version of ShivaRemote modifies the Autoexec.bat, Win.ini, and System.ini files. Note: The ShivaRemote setup icon that is added to the Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client program group only adds the DIAL.386 driver to the System.ini; some manual steps are necessary. ShivaRemote Setup copies all of its files to the directory ShivaRemote is being installed into, except for VNB.386 and CTL3D.DLL. These two files are copied to the \\System directory. Configuration of ShivaRemote ---------------------------- To configure ShivaRemote for use with the Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client: 1. Test the modem connection from Terminal.exe to ensure the modem itself is able to dial out and to verify the proper comm port. For more information about using terminal to test your modem, see the following article from the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q105940 Troubleshooting Serial Port Problems in Windows [win3x] a. Set up your Autoexec.bat and Config.sys as follows: NOTE: the Novell client software must be licensed from Novell. Config.sys ---------- device=c:\dos\setver.exe device=c:\dos\himem.sys device=c:\dos\emm386.exe noems shell=c:\dos\ /p dos=high,umb lastdrive=z autoexec.bat ------------ lsl c:\exchange_dir\dialodi.exe ipxodi vlm (or netx) The net.cfg (nwclient directory) -------------------------------- preferred server=servername Link Driver DIALODI b. Ensure you receive no error messages when booting with the newly configured Autoexec.bat and Config.sys. 2. Install the Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client software. (Run Setup from the Microsoft Exchange 3.x client compact disc or from a sharepoint). Select Custom install and verify that Shiva is selected. (Setup will create a "ShivaRemote setup" icon in the Microsoft Exchange Program group). 3. If possible, verify a valid exchange mailbox/account exists while connected to the LAN. (start the Exchange client, create a profile and make sure you can log on to your mailbox and send a piece of mail to yourself). 4. Run "ShivaRemote setup" from the Microsoft Exchange Program group. 5. Click OK to install ShivaRemote. 6. Select the port and your specific modem manufacturer/model. 7. Specify a Description, Dial-in-Name (NT account that has been granted dial-in access on the server), Password (Password for the NT Account you are dialing in on), and Phone number. 8. Dial the computer running RAS. (Microsoft Exchange is supported dialing into either a computer running Windows NT Server with RAS or a Shiva LanRover). (For additional server configuration information, see the Reference section below.) 9. Once connected, minimize ShivaRemote Connect. 10. Start the Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client. Enter the User Name (Exchange Mailbox Name), the Password (Windows NT Domain Password), and the Domain (Windows NT Domain Name that your Account is in) and verify you can be properly logged in. If the above step allows you to properly send/receive mail, ShivaRemote and Microsoft Exchange are configured correctly. The Exchange Client remote capabilities can now be configured (remote mail or offline folders). To set up the Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client to automatically dial: 1. In Control Panel/Mail-Fax, select the properties for Exchange Server in the profile and on the "Dial-Up Networking" tab. 2. Select the Shiva connection name that was tested in step 1 under "dial using the following connection." 3. Type the user name, password, and domain name in the dialog box. The Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client can be started offline and when either remote mail/connect or "sync this folder" is selected, ShivaRemote will dial and transmit necessary information (depending on which option you select). Possible Error Messages : ------------------------- Warning: Your IPX network number changed during connection. IPX services may not function properly. If you receive this error in the Exchange DOS client, simply press the Enter key and continue. If you are using the Exchange client for Windows 3.x or Windows for Workgroups 3.x, the IPX network number assigned to your computer may have changed while you were connected to the remote access server. This can happen if you dial-in to two different remote networks in one session without restarting your computer between connections. If you are using the Novell NetWare VLMs Version 1.2 or later and ShivaRemote 3.5, you can ignore this error message, and your IPX-dependent software will function without errors. (Later versions of the VLMs have been designed to handle this problem correctly.) This warning message can be turned off by editing the SREMOTE.INI file and changing the following line: [Options] NotifyIPXAddress=No If you are not using the NetWare VLMs, or if you are using VLMs prior to Version 1.2, close the Dial-In connection and restart your computer, then dial-in to the remote network again. The MS Exchange directory service could not be opened. A network error has occurred. Quit and restart MS Exchange. Microsoft Exchange for MS- DOS ID no: 5866-80040115. To resolve this issue, test RPCs over the connection by running "rpings.exe" (located on the Exchange server CD in the Support directory) on the Exchange Server and rpingdos.exe on the DOS client machine. If you are loading dialodi.exe, VLM or NETX must also be loaded, even though you are not connecting to the LAN. REFERENCES ========== Updated modem scripts for use with ShivaRemote can be found on Shiva's web page at under "support"/modem scripts. Additional configuration information may also be found in the config.hlp file installed during installation of the ShivaRemote software. For more information about specific remote options with the Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q139934 XCLN: The Microsoft Exchange Client and Mobile Users The following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base describe additional supported Shiva configurations for use with Microsoft Exchange: Q158124 XCLN: ShivaRemote with Exchange - RAS Server Considerations Q158074 XCLN: Using ShivaRemote with Exchange (DOS/real-mode IPX) Q157740 XCLN: Using ShivaRemote with Exchange (DOS/LanMan TCP/IP) Q158095 XCLN: Using ShivaRemote with Exchange (Windows 3.x/LanMan NetBEUI) Q158111 XCLN: ShivaRemote with Exchange (WFW 3.11/WFW TCP/IP or NetBEUI) The third-party contact information included in this article is provided to help you find the technical support you need. This contact information is subject to change without notice. Microsoft in no way guarantees the accuracy of this third-party contact information. Additional query words: remote mail ost deliver now ras ====================================================================== Keywords : kbenv kbsetup kbusage Technology : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange500 kbExchange400 kbExchangeClientSearch kbZNotKeyword3 Version : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0 ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2000.