SMSINST: Use of the RESTART Variable in SMS Installer

ID: Q174330

The information in this article applies to:


Microsoft Systems Management Server Installer uses a predefined variable called RESTART in determining whether or not a system should be restarted at the end of an installation script. The variable can be set manually in an installation script or changed automatically by the SMS Installer run- time when certain conditions are met.


The variable RESTART can be set to any of the following values:

   -W (a restart of Windows will be performed)
   -S (a warm-boot of the system will be performed)
   -E <MS-DOS program name> (the MS-DOS program will be executed
      during the restart)

The RESTART variable is set automatically by using a number of script items including, but not limited to:

   -Add Command to Autoexec.bat
   -Add Command to Config.sys
   -Add Device to System.ini

The RESTART variable is also set automatically if you replace any files in use. SMS Installer copies the new version of the file into the destination directory under a temporary filename. After the system is restarted, the original file to be replaced is deleted and the new file is renamed.

To determine which file is causing the RESTART variable to be set, you can place a "Display Message %RESTART%" script item after each system file that is being installed. If a letter S is displayed, a file in use has been marked for replacement on restart.

To suppress the reboot altogether, include a script item at the end of your script:

   Script Item:   Set Variable
   Variable:      RESTART
   New Value:     (leave blank, this will set it to null)
   Operation:     Nothing

NOTE: If the system is restarted manually, the files in use will still be replaced at that time.

Conversely, to force a system restart, you may set the RESTART variable to S.

Additional query words: prodsms boot reboot

Keywords          : kbsetup smsinst 
Version           : Windows:1.0
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: December 2, 1997