XFOR: PROFS Connector First Customer Contact Form

ID: Q192451

The information in this article applies to:


PROFS Connector First Customer Contact Form

Server Operating System: Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0 _____
Windows NT Service Packs installed: _____
Is this server a PDC, BDC, or member server? __________
Is there a backup? If so, how current? _____

Exchange Server version: ____
Are there any Exchange QFE fixes installed? Yes / No
Exchange Service Packs installed: ____
Exchange configuration: _____
Organization Name: _____
Site Name: ____
Server Name: ____
Number of servers on this site: _____
Number of sites: ____

Connectors Information:
Is this a LinkAge 3.2 Connector or an Exchange 5.5 Connector? ____
If LinkAge 3.2, what patch level is installed? ____

Connectors Configuration:
Exchange Local Node Name: ____
Partner Node Name: ____
Local LU Name: ____
Remote LU: ____
Location ID Name: ____

Include Ovdfile.dat File: ____

What version of SNA Server is installed? SNA Server 2.11 SP2, 3.0 SP, or 4.0? _____
Is SNA Server installed on this Exchange Server computer? Yes / No Foreign system host type (example: Mainframes IBM390, IBM4300 Series): ____
IBM PROFS (must be version 2 Release 2 Modification level 3 or later): ____
OfficeVision/VM (must be Release 2 Modification Level 0 or later): ____
RSCS version (version 2.3.0 or at PUT level 9202 or later): ____
ACF/VTAM version (version 3 for VM/SP or higher): _____

Has this ever worked? Yes / No
If yes, when did it stop working? _____
What has changed, if known? _____

Can messages be sent from a foreign messaging system to Exchange? Yes / No
Can messages be sent from Exchange to a foreign messaging system? Yes / No
Is the problem seen on the foreign messaging system? Yes / No
Is the problem seen on the local Exchange or LinkAge connector? Yes / No
Is the problem intermittently or consistently reproducible? __________

List All Error Messages Reported (event logs, pop-ups, and browser logs):

Detailed Description of the Problem:

List Any Troubleshooting Steps Already Taken:

Customer Impact: Low Medium High

NOTE: Attach any available logs or Performance Monitor data. To acquire browser logs on LinkAge 3.2, go to the Linkage\logs directory. You will see logs labeled Yymmddll.log (for example, 98090501.log). On Exchange Server version 5.5, the logs are located in Exchsrvr\Connect\Exchconn\Logs.

Hardware Information:
Machine Type (brand): _____
CPU/Speed: _____
Memory: _____
Hard disk size/free space: _____

Network Card Brand: _____
Network Type: Ethernet Token Ring FDDI ATM FAST ETHERNET
Server Protocol(s): _____
Client Protocol(s): _____

If it's a client issue:

Client: MS-DOS Windows Windows NT Windows 95 Macintosh
Machine Type (brand): _____
CPU/Speed: _____
Memory: _____
Hard disk size/free space: _____
Network Card Brand: _____
Client Service Packs installed: _____

Keywords          : XFOR 
Version           : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0,5.5
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: May 4, 1999