PPT4: Can Only Print One File at a Time in Find File

ID: q122962

The information in this article applies to:


You cannot print more than one PowerPoint file at a time using Find File. This is different from the Find File dialog boxes in Microsoft Word 6.0 and the Microsoft Office Manager (MOM), which support selecting and printing of multiple files.


You cannot use Word 6.0 or MOM as a workaround. Word 6.0 tries to convert the files to Word before printing them, and MOM gives the error "Sorry, you cannot open a presentation during a slide show or when a dialog box is showing." If you click OK, MOM goes ahead and prints the first presentation and closes.

Macintosh Workaround

A workaround you can use for PowerPoint for the Macintosh, with the help of QuickDrawGX, is to create a printer on the desktop. Select several presentations with the mouse, and drag and drop them on the printer. This method achieves the same result as "selecting multiple presentations... printing or deleting" them.


PowerPoint has a Find File command that you can use to search your drives for specific files. This command is on the File menu. After you find the files, you can open, print, or delete the files from within the Find File dialog box. However, you cannot select a group of files by holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key while you select the files, and, therefore, you cannot open, print, or delete more than one file at a time.

Additional query words: 4.00 4.00a 4.00c multiple select find file search mac macapp

Keywords          : kbprint kbdocerr
Version           : windows:4.0,4.0a,4.0c; macintosh:4.0
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS
Hardware          : MAC x86
Issue type        : kbprb

Last Reviewed: May 16, 1998