Works 95 Error: "Growstub An error has occurred in your program"

ID: q142971

The information in this article applies to:


When you start Works, you may receive the following error message:

An error has occurred in your program.
When you click Close, you receive another message:
This program performed an illegal operation
If you click Details, you see the following information:
GROWSTUB caused a General Protection Fault in module POINTER.DLL at XXXX:XXXX.


An older version of Pointer.dll was not updated correctly during the installation of Windows 95.


To end the error messages, rename the Pointer.dll file on your computer, and then re-install the file.

Renaming and Reinstalling Pointer.dll

  1. Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files Or Folders.

  2. In the Named box, type the following:

  3. Pointer.dll
  4. In the Look In box, select the name of the hard drive or connected resource you want to search. If you want to search all connected resources, including your hard drive, select My Computer.

  5. Make sure the Include Subfolders box has a check mark.

  6. Click Find Now.

  7. Note the folder listed for Pointer.dll in the In Folder column of the Find window.

  8. With your right mouse button, click the Pointer.dll file, and then click Rename.

  9. Rename the file to Pointer.old. Close the Find window.

  10. Insert the Windows 95 disc into the CD-ROM drive. Or, if you installed Windows 95 from a floppy disk, insert Disk 9 in the disk drive.

  11. Click Start, point to Programs, and then click MS-DOS Prompt.

  12. Type the following and press ENTER
    where <folder> is the folder you noted in step 6.

    Compact Disc

    If you installed Windows 95 from a compact disc, insert the disc into the drive. Then, type the following at the MS-DOS command prompt
    extract <drive>:\win95\ Pointer.dll
    where <drive> is the letter of the CD-ROM drive.

    Floppy Disk

    If you installed Windows 95 from floppy disk, type the following at the MS-DOS command prompt
    extract <drive>:\ Pointer.dll
    where <drive> is the letter of the floppy drive.

  13. When you finish extracting the necessary file, type the following at the MS-DOS command prompt and press ENTER:

  14. exit
  15. Restart your computer.


For more information on this Growstub error, see the Mouse and Keyboard section of the following article:

Q129582 Windows 95 Preview Program README.TXT (2 of 3)

Additional query words: 4.00 4.00a 4.50 gpf g-p fault grow stub stup grows extraction w_works

Keywords          : kbenv kberrmsg 
Version           : WINDOWS|MACINTOS:4.0,4.0a,4.5
Platform          : WINDOWS|MACINTOS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: June 24, 1999