FP2000: Add Button Unavailable After Adding 9th Image (Banner Ad)

ID: Q205768

The information in this article applies to:


After you add the ninth image to the Images To Display list in the Banner Ad Manager Properties dialog box, the Add button becomes unavailable (dimmed).


To add more than nine images to the Images To Display list, follow these steps:

  1. Open your page in FrontPage.

  2. Click the HTML tab at the bottom of the FrontPage window.

  3. Copy the HTML code that begins with the following line: <applet code="fprotate.class" codebase="_fpclass" and ends with this tag </applet>

  4. Click the Normal tab at the bottom of the FrontPage window.

  5. On the Insert menu, click Advanced.

  6. Click HTML.

  7. Press CTRL+V to paste the HTML code inside the HTML Markup To Insert box.

  8. Click before the </applet> tag, add a new image to the list.

    For example, add the following code:
    <param name="image10" value="<image10.gif>" valuetype="ref">
    where image10 represents the new image in the set and image10.gif represents the file name of the image you want to add.

    NOTE: Increment the image10 parameter for each additional image you add to the list.

  9. Click OK.


Additional query words: fpclass applet 9 images display active element front page

Keywords          : kbdta fpedit fpactive 
Version           : WINDOWS:
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: July 1, 1999