OFF2000: Description of the Enhanced Copy of Setup.exe Available in the Office Resource Kit

ID: Q232501

The information in this article applies to:


The Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit (ORK) contains an enhanced version of Setup.exe that includes several fixes for issues dealing with Office deployment. This version is located in the \Pfiles\Orktools\Toolbox\Tools\Setup folder of the ORK and should not be confused with the version of Setup.exe in the root of the ORK compact disc.


The enhanced version of Setup.exe fixes the following issues:

To Install the Enhanced Copy of Setup.exe

To install the enhanced copy of Setup.exe, follow these steps:
  1. Create an administrative installation of Office on a network server.

  2. Rename Setup.exe in the root of your administrative installation. Do not delete the original copy of Setup.exe in this location. You may want to use it in the future.

  3. Copy Setup.exe from the \Pfiles\Orktools\Toolbox\Tools\Setup folder on the ORK compact disc, to the root of your administrative installation. You can also download this enhanced copy of Setup.exe from the ORK Toolbox on:

    Download SetupChn.exe.
NOTE: If you are using the enhanced version of Setup.exe to chain Office installations, you only need to replace the copies of Setup.exe that are in your administrative installations for the second and subsequent installations. For example, if you are chaining the installation of CD2 onto the installation of CD1, then you only need to replace Setup.exe in your CD2 administrative installation.

To Distinguish Between Versions of Setup.exe

The following table outlines the differences between the Setup.exe that ships with Office and the enhanced Setup.exe that is available from the ORK.

To view these properties, right-click either copy of Setup.exe and click Properties on the shortcut menu.

File                 Version        Size
Standard Setup.exe   9.0.2611       262,415 bytes
Enhanced Setup.exe   9.0.2720       262,927 bytes 
The description of the two versions of Setup.exe also varies slightly. The description for the standard version is "Microsoft Office 2000 Setup Bootstrapper", and the description for the enhanced version is "Microsoft Office 2000 Setup Bootstrapper (ORK)."


For more information about the enhanced copy of Setup.exe, see the Readme.doc file for the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit, located on the root of the ORK compact disc. The Readme can also be downloaded from the ORK Toolbox at:

Additional query words: OFF2000

Keywords          : 
Version           : WINDOWS:2000
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: June 21, 1999