OL97: Printing Outlook 97 Calendar Displays Year as 2099

ID: Q216410

The information in this article applies to:


When you try to print a Calendar item with a past date within the year 1999, the year gets set to 2099 in Microsoft Outlook 97.

For example:

If the date today is February 1, 1999 and you print anything from 1/1/1999 to 1/31/1999, the date gets set to 2099.

When you view the item in Print Preview, the incorrect year will be displayed as well.

Printing a date range in 1998 prints correctly.


To resolve this problem, install the Microsoft Office 97 SR-2 Update. You can download the patch from the following URL:



For additional information about the Microsoft Office 97 SR-2 Patch, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q192874 OFF97: An Overview of Microsoft Office 97 SR-2

Additional query words: ol97 print preview

Keywords          : 
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: August 2, 1999