Q176420 |
BUG: InternetSetOption Does Not Set Timeout Values
Q167736 |
BUG: MFC ISAPI Generates Access Violation in CHtmlStream.Detach
Q199154 |
BUG: MIFST <SPNAME> Tag Placed in Wrong Position
Q229563 |
BUG: OFX Parser Breaks If <MSGBODY> Tag Contains Leading Spaces
Q176113 |
BUG: Set-Cookie Is Ignored in CGI When Combined With Location
Q232504 |
DOC: Permission Settings Incorrect for Security Server
Q197728 |
FILE: Creating a Thread Pool for MFC-Based ISAPI Extensions
Q174831 |
FILE: Using Check Boxes and Radio Buttons with MFC Parse Maps
Q152968 |
FIX: Extra Invalid Characters in String Arguments
Q156914 |
FIX: Form with Unchecked Checkboxes Wrongly Processed by ISAPI
Q152493 |
FIX: ISAPI Extension Wizard Generates Bad OnAuthentication
Q190483 |
FIX: Memory Leak in MIFST Crash Recovery If NEWFILEID Received
Q190481 |
FIX: MIFST Web Client Development Kit Component Problems
Q152365 |
FIX: Sending a POST HTTP Request May Cause an Access Violation
Q190482 |
FIX: UserKey Component Causes MIFST to Terminate
Q183480 |
HOWTO: Debug ISAPI and Filter DLL Under IIS 4.0
Q163166 |
HOWTO: Fixing the "500 Extended Server Error" Problem on ISAPI
Q140964 |
HOWTO: Getting User Name and Password in ISAPI or CGI App
Q168864 |
HOWTO: Implementing Cookies In ISAPI
Q185518 |
HOWTO: Implement Worker Threads Using MFC ISAPI Extension
Q156223 |
HOWTO: Launching OLE Servers from ISAPI Extensions
Q195768 |
Q158229 |
INFO: Security Ramifications for IIS Applications
Q186841 |
INFO: SF_REQ_GET_CONNID Unavailable in IIS 4.0
Q152054 |
INFO: Tips for Debugging ISAPI DLLs
Q151094 |
INFO: Troubleshooting Windows CGI Applications with IIS
Q190542 |
INFO: Using WinInet APIs in a System Service to access SSL sites
Q232930 |
OFXPing Error: Translation Server Is Paused
Q186837 |
PATCH: MIFST Sample BankMailSyncRS Not Accepted By MS Money
Q178668 |
PRB: "A Given HROW Referred to a Hard- or Soft-Deleted Row" Error
Q178668 |
PRB: A Given HROW Referred to a Hard- or Soft-Deleted Row Error
Q182448 |
PRB: MIFST Frequently Asked Questions
Q169109 |
PRB: Parse Maps Do Not Handle Multi-select List Boxes
Q163351 |
PRB: Required Privilege is Not Held ISAPI Debugging Error
Q145661 |
PRB: Specified CGI Application Gets Error Message
Q189888 |
PRB: Stack Size Now 256 K in Internet Information Server 4.0
Q188954 |
SAMPLE: Create and Delete Virtual Directories in IIS 4.0
Q186836 |
SAMPLE: FI Processing Component for MIFST
Q191239 |
SAMPLE: Sample Base 64 Encoding and Decoding
Q194706 |
SAMPLE: Sharing Data Between ISAPI Filters & ISAPI Extensions
Q189651 |
SAMPLE: Uploading a File to IIS Using a Browser
Q154145 |
SSL: ISAPI Secure Transmissions Limited to 32K of Data