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  • Article ID Title
    Q170356 BUG: Cannot Reference Excel 8.0 Object Library from VB 4.0x
    Q185126 BUG: Error 429 "ActiveX Component Can't Create Object" on NT
    Q191615 BUG: Menu Disabled in Application Activated Using OLE Control
    Q187745 BUG: Microsoft Excel Does Not Repaint Properly With Automation
    Q183156 BUG: Outlook 8.03 Gives Extra Copy Notification to Outlook Extensions
    Q188546 BUG: Starting Word Manually Uses Same Instance as Automation
    Q181889 BUG: VB Hangs While Automating Excel Using OLE Control
    Q216660 BUG: Win32Cmi Sample Fails or Gives Wait Timeout Error
    Q189607 DAO Error After Installing Visual Basic DAO Application
    Q198253 DOC: Excel BIFF8 CONTINUE Record Information is Incomplete
    Q197489 DOC: STRING Record Description Omits grbit Field
    Q196776 FAQ: Office Automation Using Visual C++
    Q216388 FILE: B2C.exe Converts Visual Basic Automation Code to Visual C++
    Q224351 FILE: DSOFILE.EXE Lets You Read Document Properties w/o Office Installed
    Q121736 FILE: OLE Automation Methods/Properties Supported by OLE App
    Q234675 FIX: Excel Automation from VBScript Gives Type Library Error
    Q170402 FIX: OLE Automation to Excel 8.0 Fails Using a 16-bit Client
    Q117830 HOWTO: Access Word for Windows Document Variables from VB
    Q216676 HOWTO: Add Custom Table to the Clipboard to be Pasted into Word
    Q192919 HOWTO: Automate a Secured Access Database Using Visual Basic
    Q192348 HOWTO: Automate Excel 97/2000 and Then Know the User Closed It
    Q219151 HOWTO: Automate Excel 97 and Excel 2000 from Visual Basic
    Q234774 HOWTO: Automate Excel from an HTML Web Page Using JScript
    Q216686 HOWTO: Automate Excel From C++ Without Using MFC or #import
    Q231614 HOWTO: Automate Excel to Create a New Workbook from Delphi
    Q214797 HOWTO: Automate Excel Using Perl for Win32
    Q220595 HOWTO: Automate Outlook using Visual Basic
    Q220600 HOWTO: Automate Outlook Using Visual C++/MFC
    Q230154 HOWTO: Automate PowerPoint Using Visual FoxPro
    Q215484 HOWTO: Automate PowerPoint Using Visual J++
    Q199691 HOWTO: Automate Using VC++ to Save Excel Worksheet as HTML File
    Q220607 HOWTO: Automate Word 97/2000 to Perform Mail Merge from Visual Basic
    Q220911 HOWTO: Automate Word 97 to Perform a Mail Merge Using Visual C++ and MFC
    Q229310 HOWTO: Automate Word 97 to Perform Mail Merge from Delphi
    Q198703 HOWTO: Automating Excel From Client-Side VBScript
    Q183758 HOWTO: Build a Microsoft Word Add-in (WLL) Using Visual C++
    Q153307 HOWTO: Call Microsoft Excel Macros That Take Parameters
    Q186427 HOWTO: Catch Microsoft Excel Application Events Using VC++
    Q183599 HOWTO: Catch Microsoft Word97 Application Events Using VC++
    Q172058 HOWTO: Convert a Database Table into an Excel Spreadsheet
    Q196135 HOWTO: Create an Automation Client Project Using ATL
    Q194611 HOWTO: Create and Call an Excel Macro Programmatically From VB
    Q178749 HOWTO: Create Automation Project Using MFC and a Type Library
    Q219430 HOWTO: Create/Format an Excel Workbook Using Visual J++ Automation
    Q224518 HOWTO: Determine If an Excel Workbook Contains Macros
    Q174140 HOWTO: Determine the Version of a Microsoft Word Document
    Q225029 HOWTO: Determine Which Version of Excel Wrote a Workbook
    Q199841 HOWTO: Display ASP Results Using Excel in IE with MIME Types
    Q219905 HOWTO: Dynamically Add and Run a VBA Macro from Visual Basic
    Q184663 HOWTO: Embed and Automate a Microsoft Excel Worksheet with MFC
    Q173690 HOWTO: Manipulate Office Assistants from Visual Basic
    Q153090 HOWTO: Pass a Visual Basic Array to an Excel Worksheet
    Q112196 HOWTO: Print an Embedded Word Document in Visual Basic
    Q172483 HOWTO: Run a Word 97 Macro That Requires Arguments
    Q214545 HOWTO: Server-Side Spell Checking Using Microsoft Word and ASP
    Q230743 HOWTO: Set Duplex Printing for Word Automation
    Q178784 HOWTO: Use Automation to Open and Print a Word 97 Document
    Q179494 HOWTO: Use Automation to Retrieve Built-in Document Properties
    Q183369 HOWTO: Use Automation to Run a Word 97 Macro with Arguments
    Q225144 HOWTO: Use GetDiskFreeSpaceEx to Retrieve Drive Information
    Q178782 HOWTO: Use MFC to Automate Excel 97 and Navigate Worksheets
    Q186120 HOWTO: Use MFC to Automate Excel and Fill a Range with an Array
    Q179706 HOWTO: Use MFC to Automate Excel & Create/Format a New Workbook
    Q186122 HOWTO: Use MFC to Automate Excel & Obtain an Array from a Range
    Q178783 HOWTO: Use MFC to Create a Microsoft Excel 97 Chart
    Q180616 HOWTO: Use MFC to Create and Show a PowerPoint Presentation
    Q190057 HOWTO: Use Microsoft Word's CAPI Messaging Interface (CMI)
    Q170262 HOWTO: Use OLE Automation with Microsoft Outlook 97
    Q112044 HOWTO: View Microsoft Word Toolbars Using OLE Control
    Q238133 HOWTO: Write a DDEML Server for Excel and Use it with NetDDE
    Q216026 INFO: ActivePrinter Property in Word Sets System Default Printer
    Q187919 INFO: BIFF8 BOUNDSHEET Record Data for Uncompressed Unicode
    Q189609 INFO: Cannot Automate Word, Excel, or PowerPoint Viewers
    Q74862 INFO: DDE Example Between Visual Basic and Word for Windows
    Q137029 INFO: Techniques for Diagnosing/Resolving OLE Automation Errors
    Q186063 INFO: Translating Automation Errors for VB/VBA (Long)
    Q224925 INFO: Type Libraries for Office 2000 Have Changed
    Q224305 INFO: Usage and Redistribution of FM20.DLL
    Q82879 INFO: VB Example of Using DDE LinkExecute to Word for Windows 2.0
    Q183165 INFO: What Do the cmiCommandDispatch() Errors Mean?
    Q238257 MOD2000: Package and Deployment Wizard Cannot Create Multiple CAB Files When Access Run-Time Component Is Included
    Q185473 OFF97: Changes to Custom ActiveX Control Are Not Used
    Q158875 OFF97: .Exd Files Are Created When You Insert Controls
    Q189618 PRB: Automation Error Calling Unqualified Method or Property
    Q216400 PRB: Cross-Process COM Automation Can Hang Client Application on Win95/98
    Q224338 PRB: Error 800A175D "Could Not Open Macro Storage"
    Q214462 PRB: Error "Bound to Unknown Type" Inserting ATL Control in VBA UserForm
    Q172268 PRB: Error Passing Recordset to Excel Using Automation From Visual Basic
    Q216657 PRB: Errors Opening Word Documents or Excel Workbooks With IE
    Q178510 PRB: Excel Automation Fails Second Time Code Runs
    Q199929 PRB: GetChunk Corrupts Binary Data on Win98/NT4 SP4
    Q181888 PRB: IPF While Debugging Microsoft Access Automation Code
    Q176061 PRB: Opening an Embedded Word 97 Document Creates an Extra Doc
    Q179027 PRB: Variable Not Defined Error Message When Using a Constant
    Q131723 PRB: WLL May Cause a GP Fault While Closing Word
    Q195425 PRB: Word Fails to Save Custom Document Properties
    Q199360 SAMPLE: CmdLanch.exe Launches EXE from Custom Outlook Menu Item
    Q230689 SAMPLE: Comaddin.exe Office 2000 COM Add-In Written in Visual C++
    Q221195 Sample: OFramer.exe Automates Excel and Word Inside a VB Form
    Q119243 SAMPLE: Visual Basic Mail Merge Through OLE Automation
    Q231840 XL2000: Hyperlinks in Embedded Excel Workbook Do Not Work
    Q138723 XL7: Code to Access MS Excel Does Not Work in Version 7.0
    Q146405 XL7: CopyFromRecordset Fails with OLE Automation
    Q184647 Xl97: BIFF Records Documentation Error in MS Excel 97 Developer's Kit
    Q143461 XL97: CreateObject and GetObject Work Differently
    Q183539 XL98: CreateObject and GetObject Work Differently
    Q177991 XL: Limitations of Passing Arrays to Excel Using Automation

    107 item(s)

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